Karaoke Corner

I offer my deepest heartfelt gratitude to all my sources of inspiration, whether it be the original artists of the songs or  
or the people I come across daily with beautiful smiles and happy, joyful and positive attitudes… and of course those that give great Heart hugs overflowing with Love.  I am truly blessed. Being an empath makes me more sensitive to other peoples energy. A simple smile can cause an amazing spike in a person’s energy and sparkles in their aura which is sometimes seen but always felt by me. It is kind of like the feeling you get when you see a baby smile with genuine joy and pleasure… but multiplied 10 times over. I am amazed by the amount of positive energy and joy generated by singing and tend to use these energies and the songs as vehicles for sending blessings to those that have inspired me.

HOLY – High On Lovin You – 1-2-18 

And It Goes Like This – 12-23-17 

Honey Bee – 12-23-17 

Boot Skootin Boogie 12-12-17 

Just the Way Your Are 12-3-17 

Thinkin Out Loud 12-3-17 

Love Never Felt So Good –  4-16-17

When You Say Nothing At All – 12-23-17

Elvis Medley – 12-23-17


Sound Cloud link
