Self-Realization is a wonderful thing,
The Awareness of Oneness to Consciousness it brings.
To Realize One is to Realize All,
let’s Enrich our lives Right Now, don’t stall.
The Power of the Presence is full and wide,
All-encompassing and understanding, and right by your side.
Not future, not past, smack dab in the center,
Open the door to your Heart, bid the Presence to Enter.
We just started a class on Universal Laws
Let’s roll right on in, gona have a ball.
Let’s see how things tick and forever keep growing,
You MAY know it yourself by the grass you keep mowing.
The first “LAW OF LOVE”, how all things are together,
Intermingling and mixing in all kinds of weather.
Love flows in True Harmony, Crystal Clear Flowing waves,
In True Perfect Balance and always behaves.
Now this little bit about Love should open that door,
Now we move to the number two Law, much, much more, now in store.
“PROSPERITY” is the Law of ever living flow,
Ever circulating and Expanding and Continues to Grow.
“PROSPERITY” quite easy, what you’ve got you should give,
So if you’re holding any grudges, you should Right Now Forgive.
From Prosperity into “CYCLES” is the Law number three,
This gets better as it goes on, don’t you agree?
Now these “CYCLES” are consciousness in orbital flow,
There are CYCLES in habits, this you should know.
To change such a CYCLE, the Will and the Emotions you must use,
Impress your Subconscious mind so you can undo the screws.
Consciously impress yourself with all Universal Truths,
Hit the ball out of the ballpark like good old Babe Ruth.
Merge your conscious and subconscious into super-conscious mind,
Break CYCLES and unwise patterns and find yourself now untwined.
Now even further freeing into Law number four.
The “LAW OF IMPACTION” there’s always room here for more.
Within time and space as we break it on down,
the clock on the wall goes around and around.
An example I might use is a traffic jam,
Too many cars on the highway that we all tried to cram.
“IMPACTION” can be heavy, or on the other side light,
Use Wise Discrimination and do it just right.
Its Purpose is “Saturation into Deeper States”,
Build Strength on the Inside for the True-Self Awaits.
From “IMPACTION” to “ATTRACTION”, is the Law number five,
Now we see the kind of energy that keeps the “CYCLES” alive.
“Like Attracts a like”, so watch what you say,
If you say it enough, it just might happen that way.
Don’t affirm the negatives; don’t give them any power,
Watch yourself real closely, start right now, this hour.
We turn the tides, we make the change,
With the Power of “ATTRACTION” we rearrange.
What do you want to Attract to yourself?
Well, that you’ll have to be, say “I am Love.”
“I AM THAT I AM”, and more of this comes to me.
Now we’ve got
Let’s move to number six, seems like a different reaction.
Now the “LAW OF REPULSION” is what I’m talking about,
This one’s easy, I won’t have to shout.
“REPULSION” flows away from qualified mind,
Like a spring in a watch that starts to unwind.
As it releases it discharges energy,
Electric Discharge of Consciousness, both from you and from me.
It’s not that we’re repulsive, it’s just that it repels from us,
Kind a like the fumes from a busy city bus.
Now the line has stopped, and we make a transfer to number seven,
These Laws working together explain the Dynamics of Heaven.
what have you’ve gone and done,
Did you do something wrong, or were you just having fun?
Were you relentless and unwilling, saying all things are a drag?
Moaning and groaning, acting like an old nag?
Or were you Joyous and Loving with a Warm Welcome Heart?
As a kid were you friendly and pass out the sweet tarts?
To understand this Law we move to the Law number eight, but of course,
Like GOD in the beginning and forth creation came,
Into MANIFESTATION comes forth a Mighty Bright Flame.
This Flame came from within, from the Center of its Being,
Just like us and our life, so watch to what you’re agreeing.
Send forth LOVE, TRUTH, and Harmony in all ways you know how,
and see them return to you and you’ll say “Holy Cow”!
“Sow and Reap” and in your Heart God Keep,
Say your prayers each day before you go to sleep.
Get up in the morning in a flash of Light,
Say, Well I’m still here, and everything’s all right.
Roll over and Attune to a Scripture on the table,
Seek to understand all, seek the Truth, not fable.
Place your Attention on things that teach of the Divine,
Now the “LAW OF MANIFESTATION”, we call this number nine.
What your Attention is upon, that you become.
Is your Attention well placed or does it seem dumb?
This is a straight step as we travel life’s road;
Is your Attention on the past, does your past experiences have hold?
Free stuck Attention and see now Free and Clear,
Your point of Power is right NOW AND HERE.
Limit your “MANIFESTATION” by the setting of Goals,
Using Wisely these Laws, is God’s gift to all Souls.
Now the “LAW OF DUALITY”, two polarities in one,
And the “LAW OF THE TRINITY”, Father, Spirit, and Son.
The “LAW OF DEGREE”, how much, how soon.
Your Demonstration of Choice, is your piano in tune?
Do you use the “Keys of Life”, if so, how many?
Just think how tough it would be if we didn’t have any.
Now I have a “SUGGESTION”, oh, but that’s another Law!
Look at these fine needles we pull out of the straw.
From this wondrous haystack we find a Powerful Key,
The Power of “SUGGESTION” both for you and for me,
Now We’ve got Verbal, and Mental,
and the Strongest is Self-Conscious “SUGGESTION”.
The Power of Your Own Word to Guide Your Own Direction.
Guide Yourself to the Highest, the most Pure Loving Expression,
A Concentrated “SUGGESTION” makes a Lasting Impression.
With this next “LAW OF CONCENTRATION” to Focus and Absorb,
All Experienced Knowledge can be both mine and yours.
CONCENTRATE with True Desire through Intensified Will,
Study all things of Enlightenment,
Our Mind with Universal Truths we now fill.
Now remember this “LAW OF THE SMALLER CREATOR”
We all have this Power, there’s only one that is greater.
The Creator is localized as God dwells in us,
We have the “Creative Power of Consciousness”,
create balance, not fuss.
Now we see the next “LAW OF POLARITY”,
Observe Both Sides of the Spectrum and from Balance You See.
Be the Witness, the Viewer of Conscious Awareness,
Working together with God’s Laws we Experience True Fairness.
Into the “LAW OF UNIFICATION” and All is One,
We see the “One Soul of Humanity”, Separation Undone.
The “LAW OF UNIFICATION”, Total Freedom and Flowing,
A most Delightful Experience, we increase our Soul knowing.
The Knowing of the Soul, the Great Wisdom Station,
All Experienced Knowledge stored up from past “REINCARNATION”.
The Soul grows throughout lifetimes, its Consciousness multiplied,
Some think they are goners when we use the word “died”.
The Law “REINCARNATION” to fulfill our greatest potential,
Seek the Kingdom within for this Essential.
The next Law is “IDENTITY”, unlimited or fixed,
Free Flowing expansion or is your Mind up and mixed?
“I AM” you should use wisely and also to what you agree,
I Am bright, I Am intelligent, or whatever you might be.
Don’t say I was, or I will, or I should, or might be,
Say “I Am That I Am” and God Dwells in Me.
Identify with Perfection; choose wisely your Virtues and Gifts,
Count on God’s Love Daily for a Consciousness Lift.
Now to the “LAW OF RHYTHM”, Choose an uplifting beat,
Get up, move your body, let’s dance, make some heat.
Feel the Joy and Upliftment of Creativity’s Flow,
Get up, shake a leg, move all ten of your toes.
Smooth, even, and stable, all information Consciously Impressed,
No doubt in your mind you are doing your best.
From “RHYTHM” we move to the next Law “VIBRATION”,
Deep from your heart give all Love salutation.
“VIBRATION” calming, pleasing, or weak,
High, low, in the middle, “VIBRATION” at its peak.
Our Words are “VIBRATION”, watch the Conscious Meaning,
I for one, must pick my words carefully, and be Consciously Screening.
Not just what you let out, but also what you let in,
Use your Conscious Choice, Pure “VIBRATION” Begin.
mixed with pure flowing RHYTHM and rhyming,
Seek the Kingdom Within, on the ladder keep climbing.
You can reach the top, because you’re already there.
God is you as you, “We Continually Share”.
and now into “MOTION”,
Continually moving like the waves in the ocean.
Physical, Emotional, Mental and all seen from the Soul,
Be your own Best Guidance, Meditate, guide your Soul.
All things are in “MOTION”, but there is one exception,
All is One, One is All, this is no deception.
It’s Total Perfection and quite a bit beyond,
The Kingdom of Heaven is within All of Us Brethren,
and stays from before and after twilight’s first dawn.
Be the Doer, the Creator, and the Spectator.
Be the one that Guides your life.
Your Principle is Light. Pray to have God Sight.
See the picture clear, Unified Humanity now and here.
“The World Appears To You The Way You See It”,
If You Want The World A Certain Way, Then You’ll Have To Be It.
Now the “LAW OF ASCENSION”, move from Dense to Fine,
From Lower to Higher within the Divine.
The Key is “Our Will”, or “Freedom of Choice”,
Do you cling to the Density, or in the Higher Rejoice?
We all have many Choices, but the basis of them all,
Should be:
I see the end result of God’s first cause,
that’s why I Attune to the “COSMIC LAWS”.
I Accept All Creation “HERE AND NOW”,
And Attune to the Principles and make the Vow.
For the Kingdom of Heaven to be at hand,
I Must Myself Control Command!
Shall you do the same,
as we control the Expansion of Earth,
Setting goals are necessary to Guide Ourselves and Our Nations.
To live the “LAW OF ONE” first go inner, then go outer.
Be the chef of your life, make excellent chowder.
The taste of life can be very sweet,
or very bitter if we don’t keep it neat.
Correlate your life so you don’t get bound,
And now remember this Law, the next “LAW OF SOUND”.
Everything created has its own distinct SOUND,
From Galaxies of Light, to oil wells underground.
Things have “CYCLES” and “VIBRATION”
with “MOTION” and “DEGREE”,
the forms of creations we see.
Some sounds “VIBRATE” beyond physical hearing,
Attune more to the Principle, clairaudience appearing.
Be a Great Artist, Teacher, Composer or Professor,
And experience this next Law
Study hard and gain control,
You’re receiving the tools to guide your soul.
Guide your Soul and use this Law “TRANSMUTATION”,
It first starts at home and then spreads to All Nations.
To facilitate change,” We Alter Consciousness in Form”.
Use the “LAW OF TRANSMUTATION”, change coldness to warm.
Darkness to light, Yin into Yang,
We CREATE Our own World, Let’s Plan our Big Bang.
For WE ARE ALL TRUE CREATORS, We Can Make Heaven on Earth,
See The Potential Within Us, See Your Own Greatest Worth.
Now the Law of “SEVEN DEATHS” Now to see,
Transitions thought Consciousness into full God Reality Be.
There isn’t really death, we just transcend limitations,
Let go of fixed viewpoints and see the “‘Light of Illumination”.
Withdrawn from Personality and merged with Spirit,
Now the “LAW OF WISDOM” here to make a visit.
If it visits enough right here it will stay,
You should Attune to God’s “WISDOM”
for its “VIBRATION” today.
Now the last Law, the “LAW OF TRUTH”,
I Believe All These Laws Should Be Shared with our Youth.
The Truth Of The “Matter” Is That We’re All Living “Spirit”.
“The Mind Holds All Things In Form”,
We Hold The Picture, Then Appear It.